The Women of Municipal History
As municipal campaigns heat up, Albertans have cracked open the history books to explore some of our local political history. This week, there are a lot of interesting stories about the history of women in government being covered through the #searchingforIzena project.

How It Started
The mayor of the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo defies provincial centralization of EMS dispatch for 9-1-1 phone calls. AHS and Alberta in turn file a joint application for an injunction to prevent the municipality from not transferring phone calls.

How It’s Going

Oil Grifters Default on $245M in Property Taxes
The Rural Municipalities of Alberta (RMA) conducted a member survey that identified approximately $245 million in property taxes that oil and gas companies currently owe rural municipalities. The survey had a 100 per cent response rate from the RMA membership, which shows year-over-year increases in unpaid taxes.
“The fact that every rural municipality in the province took the time to complete this survey speaks to the anxiety and frustration that rural leaders are facing on this unpaid tax issue. In some municipalities, unpaid tax amounts are so high that service levels are being reduced, municipal staff are being laid off, and serious discussions are occurring about whether the municipalities can continue to function.” – Paul McLauchlin, RMA President
The News at City Hall
In Edmonton, former reporters running to be councillors is a long tradition that looks to continue.

The Province at City Hall?


Where To Find Information On Candidates In Your Area:
Edmonton Candidates for the 2021 Election
Calgary Candidates for the 2021 Election
Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo Candidates for the 2021 Election